Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

Radio Buttons and Check boxes are one of the most common type given to Input tags. These are mostly used in forms and other form related areas. Actually Radio buttons are graphical icons representing one of the set of items. Out of this set of items only one item can be selected at once.


Checkbox 1

On the other hand, Checkbox as shown in figure above are defined as a graphical control element, which allows users to make binary selections. This exactly means a choice between one of two possible mutually exclusive options. Checkboxes are often shown on the screen as a square box as shown in above image. These checkboxes are used to make multiple selections.


Order Forms

Hi folks! I am back with another interesting post for you. You guys have been surfing on lot of eCommerce Websites these days.

Sample Order Form

Sample Order Form

The above sample image gives an actual idea of a sample order form. This is a snapshot taken from our demo file. This Order form is deigned using table structure. Product Name, Quantity, Unit Price and Totals are defined in separate columns. At the bottom of the table we have created a Input bar containing Product Subtotal. We have also mentioned total quantity into shipping rates to get the Order Grand Total. Finally at bottom right, we have a submit button to submit the order which will be further processed by the server.

Now, this form is created using very basic HTML and its Table and Form elements, CSS. We have also used jquery and one of its plugin named Order.js. The CSS Styling has been done in another External Stylesheet. The table element is wrapped inside a div element.


Basic Bubble Slider

Something that is now days most widely used in forms, in eCommerce websites and in many more sections of a web page. This is a basic Slider. If you surf the web, you’ll probably see that more and more websites have a slider that rotates images and text and usually at the top of the home page, while in E-Commerce it is used to set a particular range that we want. In technical term, a slider is defined as a Track Point. It is a graphical control element with which a user may set a value by moving an indicator, usually in a horizontal or sometimes in vertical fashion.


Basic Preloaders

Hello Folks! I am back with another post. I hope you guys are following my blog post. Today I will be sharing something about Pre-loaders. You might have seen a lot pre-loaders while using lot of mobile apps and websites. Now days many websites has been powered up with preloaders in the beginning. It adds an interactivity to a webpage with some sort of animations. Today I am going to tell how to create a simple jQuery Preloader with very few lines of jQuery & CSS code.




CSS3 Sliding Form

Hello folks, I am back with another interesting post to share with you guys. Today I will be sharing something about some new techniques introduced in Forms. Now days there has been lot many different kind of forms, some of them are Contact Forms, Feedback Forms, Payment Forms etc. Feedback form has becoming a necessary part of daily needs websites. Using feedback forms, we can provide some feedback to the owner of the website, so that he/she can make changes as per his convince and users requirements. These feedback forms can be added in different ways to our website. I am sharing a sliding feedback form with you. In my demo file, the feedback with slide from left once you hover over a certain section of the page. This form is created using some wire-frame and scripts. To create this form I have used Normalize.css with some custom styling. To make it look more dynamic I have used Modernizr.js.


CSS Based Tool Tip

Hello Folks!! I am back with another interesting post for you. I hope you find my previous post helpful to you. Today I will be sharing something interesting about Tool tips. As you all have seen on website these days, there are lot many tool tips available with different styles. Actually a Tool Tip is a message which appears when a cursor is positioned over an icon, image, hyperlink, or other element in a graphical user interface. This message may consist of some text, image, hyperlink or may be some audio, video files.

A basic tool tip consist mainly of three parts: some text, a different color background with borders and a pointer pointing towards some text on the webpage to which this tool tip is linked. Before CSS3 was introduced, tool tips were designed and induced using some scripting in web pages. Since CSS3 can in existance, it has became quite easy to design a tool tip. Today I am sharing some very basic tool tips created using CSS3 and HTML only. Their is no use of JavaScript. To see more check out the demo file attached with this post.